Actuarial Committee to Meet April 11


The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) Actuarial Committee will meet virtually at 9:30 AM on April 11, 2024. The meeting is open to the public.  

At the meeting, the Committee will review the following: 

  • Update on Medical Severity Trends by Component 
  • Impact of Economic Downturn on Pure Premium Rate Indications 
  • Retrospective Evaluation of 2021 Fee Schedule Changes 
  • First Quarter 2024 Review of Diagnostics 
  • Insurer Experience Valued as of December 31, 2023 
  • WCIRB September 1, 2024 Pure Premium Rate Filing 
    • Loss Adjustment Expense Experience Review 
    • Review of Alternative Loss Projection Methodologies 

The full agenda, including the virtual meeting registration information, is available on the Committee Documents page in the Filings and Plans section of the WCIRB’s website and through the following link: