Classification Code


Latest Pure Premium Rate
Pure Premium Rate Effective Date


CLAY DIGGING — including construction, repair and maintenance of all buildings, structures or equipment and the installation of machinery


This classification applies to clay digging and includes the processing of the clay, including but not limited to washing, screening, stockpiling or bagging, when 25% or less of the excavated material is crushed or ground. This classification also applies to the digging of peat.

If more than 25% of the excavated material is crushed or ground, all sand, gravel or clay pro-cessing, including but not limited to crushing, grinding, washing, screening and bagging, shall be separately classified as 1710, Stone Crushing, unless all crushed product will pass through an 8-mesh or finer screen, in which case the operations shall be separately classified as 1741(1), Silica Grinding.

Canal, sewer or cellar excavation or mining shall be separately classified.

Approved Pure Premium Rates

Effective Date Pure Premium Rate Note
$3.04 New/Renewal
$2.77 New/Renewal
$2.79 New/Renewal

Previous Phraseology and Footnote

Effective Date


CLAY DIGGING — including construction, repair and maintenance of all buildings, structures or equipment and the installation of machinery


This classification applies to the digging and processing, including but not limited to screening and stockpiling, of clay. This classification also applies to the digging of peat.

Canal, sewer or cellar excavation or underground mining shall be separately classified.