

Classification Code


Latest Pure Premium Rate
Pure Premium Rate Effective Date


ELECTRONIC PRE-PRESS — all operations — including Clerical Office Employees and Clerical Telecommuter Employees

The entire remuneration of each employee shall be included, subject to a maximum of $159,900 per year. When the policy is in force for less than a 12-month period, the maximum payroll amount shall be prorated based upon the number of weeks in the policy period.


This classification applies to the production of computer generated typeset materials or color separations, including all incidental camera work, that are used by separate concerns in connection with commercial printing operations.

This classification does not apply when electronic pre-press operations are performed by an employer in connection with its own operations. Such operations shall be assigned to the applicable classification.

Approved Pure Premium Rates

Effective Date Pure Premium Rate Note
$0.20 New/Renewal
$0.19 New/Renewal
$0.21 New/Renewal

Previous Phraseology and Footnote

Effective Date


ELECTRONIC PRE-PRESS — all operations — including Clerical Office Employees and Clerical Telecommuter Employees


This classification applies to the production of computer generated typeset materials or color separations, including all incidental camera work, that are used by separate concerns in connection with commercial printing operations.

This classification does not apply when electronic pre-press operations are performed by an employer in connection with its own operations. Such operations shall be assigned to the applicable classification.