Yes, agent and broker users of WCIRB Connect may submit an ownership request on any policyholder for the WCIRB to review.
If the relationship between the agent or broker and the policyholder is unclear, additional information detailing the relationship should be entered in the Narrative Text field within the online form.
No, any agent or broker who is enrolled, or whose company is enrolled, in WCIRB Connect can submit ownership information. In conjunction with submitting this request, the agent or broker should also contact the insurer of record to provide notification of possible underwriting issues in connection with this request.
Any insurer who has enrolled in WCIRB Connect can set up their employees as users in WCIRB Connect to submit ownership information.
In addition, any TPA/MGA (Third Party Administrator/Managing General Agent) company that has been granted the permission of Unrestricted: Insurer-Level by their insurer may submit ownership information in WCIRB Connect on behalf of that insurer. WCIRB Connect accounts for TPA/MGA users are managed by their insurer General System Administrator (GSA).
The WCIRB will send an automatic email to the email address on file for the insurer’s Policy Issuing Office (PIO) when an agent or broker user of WCIRB Connect submits ownership information. If the submission requires insurer review or additional information from the insurer, the submission will be forwarded to the insurer and another automatic email will be sent to the PIO email address.
Yes, to save progress made in entering the requested information prior to clicking submit, click the Pend icon. This will save the information entered for up to 45 days.
Agents and brokers can resume pending requests from the Request Status screen, and insurers can resume pending requests from the Work Queue screen. If a request is pending for more than 30 days, the WCIRB will send an automatic email advising that the request will be deleted in another 15 days if it is not submitted by that time.
Although the information can be edited while filling out the request or resuming a pended request, the information cannot be edited once a request has been submitted.
If the information entered must be revised after a request is submitted, please immediately contact the WCIRB’s Contact Center team at [email protected].
The WCIRB will contact the agent or broker via the Connect Request Status page if the form was originally submitted by the agent or broker. The agent or broker can view the WCIRB’s questions as well as respond directly to the WCIRB in WCIRB Connect.
The WCIRB will contact the insurer if the agent or broker cannot provide the information required to make a determination or if any experience modifications will be impacted by the ownership determination.
The WCIRB will contact the insurer via WCIRB Connect if the form was originally submitted by the insurer.
No. All ownership submissions must be entered through WCIRB Connect. The WCIRB recognizes that the ERM-14 is a National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) form and is used by some rating organizations, but it is not accepted by the WCIRB.
A copy of the information submitted can be downloaded from WCIRB Connect as a PDF report.
- Insurers: Locate the submitted “Own Request” work item in the Work Queue (Hint: Uncheck the box “Show Items that Require Action.”) and click on the Comments icon. The report is available in the pop-up (along with any documents attached in the submission). The completed Ownership Request can then be saved.
- Agents and Brokers: Click on the link in the Report column of the Request Status screen (on the far-right side of the table) to view submitted ownership requests.
The progress of an ownership change request can be viewed at any time via WCIRB Connect.
- Insurers: Search for the “Own Request” item of interest in the Connect Work Queue and look at the Work Item State; this field informs whether the WCIRB is processing a request or the WCIRB requires additional information. (Hint: There may be a need to uncheck the box “Show Items that Require Action.”) Remember, if the WCIRB requires additional information, the “Own Request” item will appear in the default Work Queue.
- Agents and Brokers: View the Status column for the ownership request of interest in the Request Status screen; this field informs whether a request is under WCIRB review, under broker review or under insurer review. If a determination has been issued for the ownership request, a “Completed” hyperlink will appear in this field and the determination letter will be accessible by clicking on this hyperlink.
Work Queues are shared across everyone in their organization who has been granted access by the GSA. This allows an insurer to designate a team of underwriters to access ownership change requests as well as provide responses to policy and USR audits and other work items. For more information, please see "How-to Guide for Administrators" in the WCIRB Connect Knowledge Center.
Agents and brokers should note that the Ownership Request portion of the Request Status page is shared with other WCIRB Connect users enrolled in their company.