While each data call has its own set of instructions, to further assist insurers in data call submissions, this page contains detailed information on submitting certain data elements to the WCIRB.
Approved Advisory Pure Premium Rates
In deriving the Pure Premium at the Advisory Pure Premium Rate Level for reporting in the Quarterly Call (CA-QT-xQyy) and Large Deductible Call (CA-LD-yyyy), several methods require the use of the approved advisory pure premium rates. The latest several sets of approved advisory pure premium rates are provided in Excel file format below.
- January 1, 2020 XLS
- January 1, 2021 XLS
- September 1, 2021 XLS
- September 1, 2022 XLS
- September 1, 2023 XLS
- September 1, 2024 XLS
Pure Premium Guidelines and Illustrative Spreadsheet
Several methods are acceptable in deriving the Pure Premium at the Advisory Pure Premium Rate Level for reporting in the Quarterly Call (CA-QT-xQyy) and Large Deductible Call (CA-LD-yyyy). The guidelines and sample calculations for Methods 1 to 4 can be found in the PDF and Excel files below, respectively. The Excel file also contains sample ways to compute the loss cost multiplier (LCM) for use in several of the methods.
Claim Count Guidelines
Whether a claim is to be included in the various claim count fields on the Quarterly Call (CA-QT-xQyy) is often a question that a reporting insurer has. The guidelines for claim count reporting can be found below.
- Claim Count Guidelines PDF
MCCP including IBR/IMR Guidelines
Changes in the reporting of the costs of medical cost containment programs (MCCP), independent bill review (IBR), and independent medical review (IMR) will impact the reporting of these costs differently for various accident years. Guidelines for reporting these costs can be found below.
- MCCP, IBR and IMR reporting on Data Calls PDF