Submission of California Aggregate Data Program (SCAD Program) was adopted to encourage insurers to submit timely, accurate and complete California workers’ compensation aggregate financial data to the WCIRB. The aggregate financial data collected by the WCIRB underlies the advisory pure premium rates the WCIRB submits to the California Department of Insurance for approval.
The WCIRB receives the aggregate financial data in the form of quarterly or annual data calls from each insurer.
The following WCIRB aggregate data calls are subject to the SCAD Program:
- Quarterly Call for Direct California Workers’ Compensation Experience
- Annual Call for Direct California Workers’ Compensation Expense Information
- Annual Call for Direct California Workers’ Compensation Aggregate Indemnity and Medical Costs
- Annual Call for Direct California Workers’ Compensation Large Deductible Experience
- Financial Call Data Certification
- Annual Call for Direct California Workers’ Compensation Experience – Abridged (for insurers not required to submit the above calls)
- Annual Call for Long-Term Loss Development Survey on California Workers’ Compensation Claims
Insurers are subject to daily fines and other administrative action for failure to submit accurate, complete and verifiable data in a timely manner or failure to respond to data inquiries in a timely manner. In addition, insurers whose aggregate data is inaccurate, incomplete or not verifiable such that the data could significantly impact, or has severely impacted, the accuracy of the WCIRB’s pure premium rate filing is subject to remedial action.