Below are frequently asked questions regarding unit statistical reporting.
When using BEEP to create submissions, select ASCII as the Output Format. Select YES in the Compressed checkbox. These are the default values.
Report all records in the submission except the File Control Record.
Per the WCSTAT specification, the total number of records for a USR includes ALL records reported for the USR.
1 header record, 1 name record, 1 address record, 2 exposure records, 10 loss records and 1 unit total record = 16 records in total.
Both ‘previous’ and ‘revised’ records should be included in this total.
This field will be used by WCIRB Connect® for processing split exposure and as secondary matching criteria. For policies effective on or after 1/1/13, report the rate effective date in this field, even if it is the same as the policy effective date. If the rate effective date precedes the policy effective date, report the policy effective date.
Report the experience modification effective date in this field, even if it is the same as the policy effective date. If no experience modification applies to the policy, report the policy effective date in the Experience Modification Effective Date field.
When more than one experience modification applies to a single policy (commonly known as “split exposure”), report a separate set of exposure records for each different experience modification, including all of the fields below in each record:
- Classification Code
- Exposure Amount
- Exposure Act/Exposure Coverage Code
- Experience Modification Factor - In BEEP, this value must be identical in all records in a split, except those records with statistical codes that are not subject to the experience modification.
- Experience Modification Effective Date - In BEEP, this value must be identical in all records in a split.
- Rate Effective Date - In BEEP, this value must be identical in all records in a split.
Below is an example of a correct “split exposure” on an exposure correction report. (Note: Non-numeric characters such as decimals, commas, and slashes are shown in the example below for clarity only; these non-numeric values are not permitted in WCSTAT reporting).
Split | Experience Mod. Factor | Experience Mod. Effective Date | Rate Effective Date | Class. Code | Exposure Act/ Coverage Code | Exposure Amount | Update Type Code |
1st split | 1.080 | 01/01/10 | 01/01/10 | 8810 | 01 | 169,426 | P |
1st split | 1.080 | 01/01/10 | 01/01/10 | 8810 | 01 | 189,303 | R |
1st split | 1.080 | 01/01/10 | 01/01/10 | 3165 | 01 | 128,475 | P |
1st split | 1.080 | 01/01/10 | 01/01/10 | 3165 | 01 | 160,005 | R |
1st split | 1.080 | 01/01/10 | 01/01/10 | 4150 | 01 | 57,498 | R |
2nd split | 1.250 | 04/15/10 | 04/15/10 | 8810 | 01 | 44,567 | P |
2nd split | 1.250 | 04/15/10 | 04/15/10 | 8810 | 01 | 62.101 | R |
2nd split | 1.250 | 04/15/10 | 04/15/10 | 3165 | 01 | 23,547 | P |
2nd split | 1.250 | 04/15/10 | 04/15/10 | 3165 | 01 | 25,972 | R |
2nd split | 1.250 | 04/15/10 | 04/15/10 | 4150 | 01 | 15,611 | R |
The WCSTAT specification and the WCIRB system require at least one exposure record on an original first report. In cases where there is no exposure on a first report, report an exposure record using statistical code “1111” as the Classification Code and report zeros in the Exposure Amount field.
Report zeros (0000) in this field for nonrated exposures (exposure records with no experience modification). Do not leave this field blank or report any value other than 0000 for nonrated exposures.
As stated in the WCSTAT specification, the only value applicable for California in the Unit Format Submission Code field is “E” (meaning Expanded ASWG format). All USRs reported to California must be in Expanded ASWG format. Reporting in expanded format requires the reporting of four additional fields on the loss record as required by the California Workers' Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan—1995 (USRP). These fields are: Weekly Wage Amount, Scheduled Indemnity – Percentage of Disability, Total Incurred Vocational Rehabilitation and Total Gross Incurred Amount. In BEEP, the Unit Format Submission Code field is labeled “Pre-ASWG” and is located in the Policy Conditions section of the Header Information screen. You must select the option “EXP” in this BEEP field. BEEP will then enter the value “E” in position 250.
Omitting the Data Provider Type Code field is one of the most common preprocessing errors. This field (position 239 of the ETR) is required. If you are a submitting insurer, you must report “C” in this field. If you are an authorized Third-Party Entity (TPE) reporting on behalf of an insurer, you must report “T” in this field. Each TPE is also required to report its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) in positions 240-248 of the ETR.
Changing the Data Provider Type Code if you use BEEP to create submission files. If you create submission files in BEEP, the ETR is automatically generated by BEEP when the file is created. BEEP automatically populates the Data Provider Type Code based on the user’s CDX profile. If you are an insurer, BEEP should automatically report “C” in this field. If this is not working, contact your company’s CDX Insurer Primary Administrator (IPA) for assistance with your CDX account. If you are a TPE, BEEP should automatically report “T” in this field. If this is not working, contact your IPA for assistance with your CDX account and to ensure that your user account is set up as a TPE account type.
Changing ETR values if you use a proprietary system to create submission files. If you use a proprietary system to generate your WCSTAT submissions, please contact your IT department for information on changing the Data Provider Type Code field value.
The ETR is the required first record in every submission file, and some of WCIRB Connect’s USR preprocessing edits validate fields in the ETR. The ETR begins with the value “$!+WORKCOMP+!$” and includes identifying information about the submitter of the file and its data, such as Name of Data Provider Contact, Phone Number of Data Provider Contact, and Data Provider Type Code.
The WCIO’s specifications for the ETR are not part of the WCSTAT specification, but are instead located in a separate document. Please refer to the WCIO's Electronic Transmittal Record Specifications (ETR) for the ETR fields and their attributes. All fields required for California must be reported in the ETR.
Changing ETR values if you use BEEP to create submission files. If you create submission files in BEEP, the ETR is automatically generated by BEEP when the file is created. BEEP populates some of the ETR fields by pulling information from the user’s CDX user profile. During the submission file creation, BEEP allows you to edit those fields for the current submission.
Changing ETR values if you use a proprietary system to create submission files. If you use a proprietary system to generate your WCSTAT submissions, please contact your IT department for information on changing ETR values.
For every WCSTAT submission file that is rejected entirely or has some rejected USRs, a WCIRB Connect® user with access to Submission Manager may choose to subscribe to receive email notifications of file and transaction rejections by going into WCIRB Connect Submission Manager, selecting Email Notify in the ribbon bar, and subscribing to WCSTAT submission rejection email notifications.
Additionally, WCIRB Connect generates two reports: the Submission History Report (SHR) and the Preprocessing Error by Transaction Report (SHR-PET). These reports detail all of the preprocessing errors in your submission that resulted in the rejection. The file status and these reports are available on WCIRB Connect under Submission Manager.