WCIRB Unit Statistical Data Quality Program

The WCIRB Unit Statistical Data Quality Program (USDQP) uses a set of key performance indicators to identify potential systemic data reporting deficiencies in unit statistical report (USR) data submitted to the WCIRB. This program ensures that timely, complete and accurate USR data is used in experience modifications, advisory pure premium rates and research.

Quarterly USDQP reports are released to insurer participants. These reports compare their results against the acceptable thresholds and statewide benchmarks for each metric. Insurers that do not meet specific performance standards are required to take corrective action and may be assessed fines. If you have any questions regarding the USDQP, please contact Data Quality Assurance at [email protected].

USDQP MetricDescription
Large Policies (at least $1,000,000 modified pure premium) with No Claims – Documentation RequestPolicies with at least $1,000,000 in modified pure premium and no reported claims on the original first report level USR require acceptable documentation to verify no claims exist for the policy.
Large Policies with No ClaimsPercentage of original first report level USRs with modified pure premium of at least $250,000 and no claims reported.
Submission Timeliness – USRsPercentage of delinquent USRs received after the month of the required due date.
Edit Failures That Impact Experience RatingPercentage of USRs processed with one or more edit failures that impact experience rating.
Responsiveness to USR Work ItemsPercentage of USR audit work items that remains unresolved more than 60 days after issuance.
Specific Injury Claims: Initially Reported on Report Level 2Percentage of specific injury claims initially reported on the second report level.
Specific Injury Claims: Initially Reported on Report Levels 3 to 10Percentage of specific injury claims initially reported on the third through tenth report levels.
USRs with Inaccurate Experience Modifications and/or Associated Experience Modification Effective Dates ReportedPercentage of USRs processed with reported experience modifications and/or effective dates differing from the published experience modification at the time of USR processing.
USRs with Critical Preprocessing Edit FailuresPercentage of USRs rejected as a result of preprocessing edit failures (XLS File).
USRs with Data Quality Edit Failures
This is an advisory metric with no designated tolerance. Insurers are not subject to evaluation under this measure.
Advisory metric: Percentage of USRs that contain one or more data quality edit failures (XLS File).