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How does the WCIRB accept records?

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How does the WCIRB accept records?

How does the WCIRB accept records?

The WCIRB accepts records via an online application called Compensation Data Exchange (CDX). This is the same online application used for submission of unit statistical report files. Files submitted using CDX must contain the WCIO Universal Electronic Transmittal Record (ETR) as the first record in the WCMED submission. All file submissions must also contain the File Control Record as the last record in the WCMED submission.


CDX evaluates if the file is valid and authorized for submission and sends its standard acknowledgement that the file was accepted by CDX and forwarded to the applicable jurisdiction for processing or sends an acknowledgement indicating the file was rejected. The WCIRB is not directly notified if a file is rejected by CDX. To view the ETR specifications, go to the WCIO Workers Compensation Data Specifications Manual page and click on the "Electronic Transmittal Record Specifications (ETR)" link.