Food and Beverage Service Industry Classification Changes

The WCIRB continues to conduct ongoing outreach, develop training resources and offer webinars on the new Food and Beverage Service Industry classifications and what this may mean for you. Refer back to this page for the latest information.

Food & Beverage Classification Changes

Resulting from a multi-year WCIRB study on the Food and Beverage Service Industry, the recommendation to divide Classification 9079(1), Restaurants or Taverns, into six new classifications was approved. These changes go into effect for policies incepting on or after September 1, 2024.

New Food and Beverage Service Industry Group

Determine Your New Classification! 

Answer a few key questions about your food service business, and our online tool will help you quickly determine which of the six new food and beverage classifications applies. 

Explore the new Food and Beverage Service Classification Decision Tool

Webinars & Videos

Watch: Serving Up the Food and Beverage Service Industry Changes

Watch: USRP Changes for 2022, 2023 and 2024