Comprehensive Risk Summary (CRS)® Report

Licensed casualty agents and brokers can now quickly obtain detailed policyholder information on WCIRB Connect® with the Comprehensive Risk Summary (CRS)® Report. The fully downloadable and printable CRS Report includes the following information:

  • Up to 10 years of historical data for both experience rated and non-experience rated policyholders
  • Primary policyholder name, address and bureau number
  • All classifications reported on policies that incepted within the last 5 years
  • WCIRB assigned classifications
  • All policyholder names and FEINs reported on policies that incepted within the last 5 years
  • All addresses and locations reported on all current policies
  • All exposure and loss details on policies that incepted within the last 8 years

How to Access

The WCIRB has partnered with DocuSign® to modernize how insurers, agents and brokers request authorization from policyholders to access experience rating worksheets, Classification Inspection Reports and CRS Reports through WCIRB Connect. 

The entire authorization process is now online and fully integrated with WCIRB Connect. Users will no longer have to print and fill out a letter of authorization (Form 810), get the policyholder’s signature, and scan and upload the document to access policyholder data.

Here is how it works:

In addition to providing significant savings in time and effort, the digital signature enhances the security and authentication of the authorization process.

Please note that experience rating worksheets and inspection reports are always available in WCIRB Connect to the insurer of record without any policyholder authorization requirements, and to agents and brokers after uploading documents verifying them as the policyholder's agent or broker of record. A Letter of Authorization is always required to access a CRS Report.

If you do not have a WCIRB Connect user account, contact your organization’s Group Systems Administrator (GSA) who can set you up with a user ID and temporary password. If you do not know your company’s GSA, contact [email protected] for assistance. Agents or brokers who would like to sign up as a WCIRB Connect individual user may register on