Products not specifically described on this website may be available by special request. Learn more on the Custom Actuarial Products page. For more information, please reach out to our Contact Center.
Unit Statistical Data Records (only for the insurer of record)
Unit statistical information on the most recent correction at each report level for all policies incepting in a given year is available to the insurer of record. The unit statistical data is for each policy and includes policy number and more.
Policy Data Records (only for the insurer of record)
Basic policy identification information for all policies incepting in a given year is available to the insurer of record. The data on each policy includes policy number, policy effective and expiration/cancellation dates and more.
California Insolvent Insurer Rating Adjustment Plan
Facilitates an experience-based premium adjustment for eligible policyholders that were previously experience rated but a standard X-Mod couldn't be calculated because one or more policies during the rating period was written by an insolvent insurer.
WCIRB Regulatory Filings
Proposed changes to workers' comp regulations are included in the Regulatory Filing. Filings back to 1995 can be requested. The most recent five years of filings are available at no charge on the Regulatory and Pure Premium Rate Filings page.
WCIRB Pure Premium Rate Filings
Proposed changes to advisory pure premium rates are included in the Pure Premium Rate Filing. You may request filings back to 1995. The most recent five years of filings are available at no charge on the Regulatory and Pure Premium Rate Filings page.
Governing Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and minutes from the past five years are available for free on the Committees page. Agendas and minutes dating back to 2000 are available at no charge to WCIRB Connect® users. You may request earlier meeting agendas and minutes.
Classification and Rating Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and minutes from the past five years are available for free on the Committees page. Agendas and minutes dating back to 2000 are available at no charge to WCIRB Connect® users. You may request earlier meeting agendas and minutes.
Actuarial Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and minutes from the past five years are available for free on the Committees page. Agendas and minutes dating back to 2000 are available at no charge to WCIRB Connect® users. You may request earlier meeting agendas and minutes.
Rate History By Classification Table
This product is a listing, by classification, of all advisory pure premium rates issued since 1995. A listing of manual rates for all classifications from 1988 to 1994 is also included.
WCIRB Bulletins
Bulletins from the past three years are available for free on the WCIRB Bulletins page. Bulletins dating back to 2000 are available at no charge to WCIRB Connect® users. You may request Bulletins prior to the most recent three years.
Experience Modifications Subscription for Advisory Organizations
Contains X-Mods with the corresponding WCIRB assigned classification(s), policyholder name, address and other policy information. Also includes a DNQ indicator for policyholders that don't meet the eligibility threshold for experience rating.
Experience Modifications Subscription for Insurers
Contains X-Mods issued during the file period with corresponding WCIRB assigned classification(s), policyholder name, address and other policy information. Also includes a DNQ indicator for policyholders that don't meet the eligibility threshold.