California Retrospective Rating Plan and Tables

California Retrospective Rating Plan – Effective January 1, 2019

September 1, 2023 Tables

Appendix B

Table 1 – Table of Classifications by California Hazard Group
Table 2 – Table of Ultimate Incurred Loss Elimination Ratios by California Hazard Group
Table 3 – Table of Ultimate Incurred Loss and ALAE Elimination Ratios by California Hazard Group
Table 4 – Table of California Hazard Group Severity Multipliers
Table 5 – Table of California Hazard Group Loss and ALAE Severity Multipliers

Appendix C

Table EULAG and ELLAGs – Tables of Unlimited Loss Ranges/Loss and ALAE Ranges for Expected Unlimited Loss and ALAE Groups (EULAGs)
Table EULG and ELLGs – Tables of Unlimited Loss Ranges/Pure Loss Ranges for Expected Unlimited Loss Groups (EULGs)
Table M and Ls – Tables of Pure Unlimited Loss Insurance Charges
Table MA and LAs – Tables of Unlimited Loss and ALAE Insurance Charges

Supplemental Information

2019 California Retrospective Rating Plan Technical Documentation
California Loss Elimination Ratios and Retro Hazard Groups 1993 to September 1, 2023
Retro Development Premium Factors
Simulated Claim Count PDF by Age
Simulated LERs by Employer Size
Table of Classifications by California Hazard Group – Decimalized
Table of LAERs by Injury Type Entry Ratio
Table of LAERs by Type of Loss Entry Ratio
Table of LERs by Injury Type Entry Ratio
Table of LERs by Type of Loss Entry Ratio

Previous Plan Tables

September 1, 2022 Tables
September 1, 2021 Tables
January 1, 2021 Tables
January 1, 2020 Tables
January 1, 2019 Tables