Classification Code


Latest Pure Premium Rate
Pure Premium Rate Effective Date
Industry Group


MILLWRIGHT WORK — N.O.C. — erection or repair of machinery or equipment at customers' locations


This classification applies to the operation, installation, service or repair of machinery or equipment, including but not limited to agricultural, construction, industrial, sawmill, food processing and commercial equipment at customers' locations unless the work is specifically described by another classification. This classification also applies to the installation, service or repair of machinery or equipment, including but not limited to pumps (such as gasoline, oil or water pumps), conveyor systems, printing presses, automated "pick and place‚" machinery, industrial laundry equipment, filling and bottling equipment, industrial scales, escalators, gate openers, and air compressors, unless the work is specifically described by another classification. This classification also applies to stump grinding; rigging operations; or the installation or repair of spa or pool equipment when performed on a fee basis and not in connection with the employer's other operations at the same job or location.

This classification does not apply to the operation, installation or repair of machinery or equipment at facilities both occupied and operated by the employer; such operations shall be classified based on the employer's other classifiable operations.

The installation, service or repair of countertop appliances used in commercial kitchens shall be classified as 9519(1), Household Appliances.

Shop manufacturing or repair operations shall be separately classified.

Approved Pure Premium Rates

Effective Date Pure Premium Rate Note
$3.82 New/Renewal
$3.70 New/Renewal
$3.75 New/Renewal

Previous Phraseology and Footnote

Effective Date


MILLWRIGHT WORK — N.O.C. — erection or repair of machinery or equipment at customers’ locations


This classification applies to the operation, installation, service or repair of machinery or equipment, including but not limited to agricultural, construction, industrial, sawmill, food processing and commercial equipment at customers’ locations unless the work is specifically described by another classification. This classification also applies to the installation, service or repair of machinery or equipment, including but not limited to pumps (such as gasoline, oil or water pumps), conveyor systems, printing presses, automated "pick and place" machinery, industrial laundry equipment, filling and bottling equipment, industrial scales, escalators, gate openers, riding lawnmowers and air compressors, unless the work is specifically described by another classification. This classification also applies to stump grinding; rigging operations; or the installation or repair of spa or pool equipment when performed on a fee basis and not in connection with the employer’s other operations at the same job or location.

This classification does not apply to the operation, installation or repair of machinery or equipment at facilities both occupied and operated by the employer; such operations shall be classified based on the employer’s other classifiable operations.

Shop manufacturing or repair operations shall be separately classified.