Classification Code


Latest Pure Premium Rate
Pure Premium Rate Effective Date




This classification applies to tool manufacturing or maintenance operations that are not specifically described by another manufacturing or assembling classification. This classification includes the manufacture and maintenance of products, including but not limited to non-powered hand tools, cutting and machining tools, abrasive sanding disks and belts, dies, molds, and jigs and fixtures used to position materials for machining.

This classification also applies to the sharpening of knives, blades or cutting tools.

Classification 3099 shall be assigned to the payroll of a tool and die department operated by a plastic products manufacturer provided certain conditions are met. Refer to the Plastic Products Manufacturing Industry Group. For all other types of manufacturers, the payroll of a tool and die department shall be classified as 3099 when more than 50% of the tools or dies are sold commercially and are not used in any way in the employer's production operations. Otherwise, the payroll of a tool and die department shall be assigned to the governing classification. (See Section II, Classification Terminology, for the definition of "Governing Classification.")

The manufacture or shop repair of portable power tools shall be classified as 3501(1), Machinery Mfg. — portable tools.

The hotforming of metal to produce tool parts, including but not limited to gears, shafts and blades shall be separately classified as 3110(1), Forging Works.

Approved Pure Premium Rates

Effective Date Pure Premium Rate Note
$3.50 New/Renewal
$3.47 New/Renewal
$3.38 New/Renewal

Previous Phraseology and Footnote

Effective Date






This classification applies to tool manufacturing and maintenance operations that are not specifically described by another manufacturing or assembling classification. This classification includes the manufacture and maintenance of products, including but not limited to non-powered hand tools, cutting and machining tools, abrasive sanding disks and belts, dies, molds, and jigs and fixtures used to position materials for machining.

This classification also applies to the sharpening of knives, blades and cutting tools.

Classification 3099 shall be assigned to the payroll of a tool and die department operated by a plastic products manufacturer provided certain conditions are met. Refer to Plastic Products Manufacturing Industry Group. For all other types of manufacturers, the payroll of a tool and die department shall by classified as 3099 when more than 50% of the tools and dies are sold commercially and are not used in any way in the employer's production operations. Otherwise, the payroll of a tool and die department shall be assigned to the governing classification. (See Section II, Classification Terminology, for the definition of "Governing Classification.")

The hotforming of metal to produce tool parts, including but not limited to gears, shafts and blades shall be separately classified as 3110(1), Forging Works.

The manufacture of portable power tools shall be classified as 3501(1), Machinery Mfg. — portable tools.