Data, including losses and payroll by classification, resulting from every workers' compensation insurance policy written in California is reported to the WCIRB in a Unit Statistical Report (USR). These reports, submitted by your insurance company, are the source of the data used by the WCIRB to administer the Experience Rating System and to publish experience modifications.

USRs are reported at specific intervals defined in Part 4, Section I of the California Workers' Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan—1995  (Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan). When a worker is injured on the job and a workers' compensation claim file is opened, an estimate of the total claim value (present and future) is made by your insurer and is included on the next USR for your policy filed with the WCIRB. 

The first time a claim is valued for unit statistical reporting is 18 months after the policy inception month. This 18-month value is reported on a "first level" USR, which must be submitted to the WCIRB two months after the valuation date, or 20 months after the policy inception month. Claims that are still open as of the first report are required to be valued and reported again 12 months later (30-month valuation, due to the WCIRB at 32 months after the policy inception month) on a "second report." This process continues either until all claims are closed or for a total of 10 reports. Typically, only data contained in the first three reports is used for experience rating purposes.

Unit Statistical Reporting

Inception Date of Policy18-Month USR Valuation30-Month USR Valuation42-Month USR Valuation54-Month USR Valuation66-Month USR Valuation...126-Month USR Valuation
Jan 2024Jul 2025Jul 2026Jul 2027Jul 2028Jul 2029...Jul 2034
Feb 2024Aug 2025Aug 2026Aug 2027Aug 2028Aug 2029...Aug  2034
Mar 2024Sep 2025Sep 2026Sep 2027Sep 2028Sep 2029...Sep 2034
Apr 2024Oct 2025Oct 2026Oct 2027Oct 2028Oct 2029...Oct 2034
May 2024Nov 2025Nov 2026Nov 2027Nov 2028Nov 2029...Nov 2034
Jun 2024Dec 2025Dec 2026Dec 2027Dec 2028Dec 2029...Dec 2034
July 2024Jan 2026Jan 2027Jan 2028Jan 2029Jan 2030...Jan 2035
Aug 2024Feb 2026Feb 2027Feb 2028Feb 2029Feb 2030...Feb 2035
Sep 2024Mar 2026Mar 2027Mar 2028Mar 2029Mar 2030...Mar 2035
Oct 2024Apr 2026Apr 2027Apr 2028Apr 2029Apr 2030...Apr 2035
Nov 2024May 2026May 2027May 2028May 2029May 2030...May 2035
Dec 2024Jun 2026Jun  2027Jun 2028Jun 2029Jun 2030...Jun 2035