Commissioner Issues Decision on July 1, 2020 Special Regulatory Filing


Today, the California Insurance Commissioner issued a Decision regarding the Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California’s (WCIRB’s) July 1, 2020 Special Regulatory Filing, which contained proposals to address the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and was submitted by the WCIRB to the California Department of Insurance (CDI) on April 20, 2020. In the Decision, the Commissioner approved all of the WCIRB’s proposed changes to the California Workers’ Compensation Uniform Statistical Reporting Plan—1995 (USRP) and California Workers’ Compensation Experience Rating Plan—1995 (ERP). These changes are effective July 1, 2020.

Watch as the WCIRB describes how the COVID-19 rules amendments affect California workers’ compensation in these short videos:

Updated Regulations for 2020 

The WCIRB is currently updating the USRP and ERP. Once complete, these documents will be posted to the Filings and Plans section of the WCIRB website. In the interim, the WCIRB has prepared the July 1, 2020 USRP and ERP Changes Quick Reference Guide, summarizing the approved changes to the Commissioner’s regulations. 

The Decision pertains only to the WCIRB’s Special Regulatory Filing. The WCIRB will submit its annual Regulatory Filing in June 2020 and its annual Pure Premium Rate Filing in August 2020, each of which will take effect January 1, 2021.

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