WCIRB Releases First Quarter 2022 Experience Report


The Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California (WCIRB) has released its Quarterly Experience Report. This report is an update on California statewide insurer experience valued as of March 31, 2022. Highlights of the report include:

  • California written premium for 2021 is 1.4 percent below that for 2020 and is the lowest since 2012.
  • The average charged rate for the first quarter of 2022 is 3 percent below that for 2021 and is the lowest in decades.
  • The projected loss ratio for 2021, including COVID-19 claims, is 5 points above that for 2020.
  • The projected combined ratio for 2021, including COVID-19 claims, is 7 points higher than 2020 and 33 points higher than the low point in 2016.
The full report is in the Research section of the WCIRB website and at the following link: