Classification Code


Latest Pure Premium Rate
Pure Premium Rate Effective Date
Industry Group




This classification applies to the manufacture or shop repair of power supplies with a power rating of less than 746 watts (one horsepower).

The manufacture or shop repair of power supplies with a power rating of 746 watts or more shall be classified as 3643(1), Electric Power or Transmission Equipment Mfg. The manufacture of power supplies that are rated both at less than 746 watts and at 746 watts and above shall be classified based on the primary (over 50% of shop time) operation.

The manufacture of power supplies for inclusion in an electrical or electronic product manufactured by the employer shall be assigned to the applicable electrical or electronic product manufacturing classification.

The installation or repair of power supplies away from the shop shall be separately classified.

Approved Pure Premium Rates

Effective Date Pure Premium Rate Note
$1.21 New/Renewal
$1.19 New/Renewal
$1.16 New/Renewal

Previous Phraseology and Footnote

Effective Date



This classification applies to the manufacture or shop repair of power supplies with a power rating of less than 746 watts (one horsepower).

The manufacture or shop repair of power supplies with a power rating of 746 watts or more shall be classified as 3643(1), Electric Power or Transmission Equipment Mfg. The manufacture of power supplies that are rated both at less than 746 watts and at 746 watts and above shall be classified based on the primary (over 50%) operation.

The manufacture of power supplies for inclusion in an electrical or electronic product manufactured by the employer shall be assigned to the applicable electrical or electronic product manufacturing classification.

The installation or repair of power supplies away from the shop shall be separately classified.