Data Reporting

To accurately measure the cost of providing workers' compensation benefits, the WCIRB performs a number of functions. This includes collecting premium and loss data on every workers' compensation insurance policy. The data provides the basis for developing proposed advisory pure premium rates, determining experience modifications, publishing reports on trends in the California workers’ compensation industry and providing useful analytical tools and information to various workers’ compensation insurance constituents.

Report and Calculator

Policy Data Reporting

Insurers are required to submit all policy transaction data (policies, endorsements, cancellations and reinstatements) relevant to California workers’ compensation insurance coverage to the WCIRB. Visit the following page for submission information and resources.

Unit Statistical Data Reporting

Unit statistical report (USR) data refers to specific data elements, including payroll (exposure) and loss information, which must be submitted for every workers' compensation insurance policy providing coverage under the workers' compensation laws of California. Visit the following page for submission information and resources.

Medical and Indemnity Transaction Data

For information about the WCIRB's collection of indemnity transaction data and medical transaction data, including submission dates, eligibility and rules and requirements, visit the following pages.

Indemnity Transaction Data Reporting

Medical Transaction Data Reporting

Aggregate Financial Data

The WCIRB collects a wide variety of workers' compensation insurance information from insurers. While some of this information is collected at the policy or claim level, the WCIRB makes periodic calls for aggregate data. Visit the following page to learn about the WCIRB's Aggregate Financial Data Calls required of all insurers licensed to write workers’ compensation insurance in California.

WCIRB Data Quality Programs

The WCIRB data quality programs are used to monitor the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of data reported to the WCIRB. Visit the following pages to learn more about each data quality program.


Miscellaneous Data Reporting Information

Visit the following pages to learn more about other data reporting information and resources.